Trademark and Logo Registration
Trademark and logo registration is the process of legally protecting a brand name, logo or slogan by registering it with the Trademark Registry under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.
Trademark and Logo Registration

Trademark registration is a process of giving a product or service a unique identity which distinguishes it from other products or services. A registered Trademark is the Intellectual Property of the individual or business and such trademarked product or service cannot be used by anyone else other than the person holding the trademark.
Logo registration is also an important part of business identity as it gives a unique and recognizable identity to a business. Logo registration also helps to protect the business from any unauthorized use of the logo. It also helps to protect the business from any potential infringement of the logo. Logo registration can be done at the same time as Trademark registration or it can be done separately.
Who Can Apply For Trademark Registration In India?
- Individual
- Joint owners
- Proprietorship firm
- Partnership firm
- Company
Trademark Registration with Countax includes
- Fees for Trademark Search
- Fees for choosing the right class of Trademark
- Government fees for filing of application of Trademark
- Fees for collection of documents required
- Free and detailed consultation on Trademark Registration, expiry and renewal
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